Transform your workforce into happier, more productive,

stress resistant individuals when implementing effective

health and wellness strategies.

Extensive studies have shown that Corporate Wellness Programs yield significant returns:

Positive attitudes and energy in the work environment

Enhanced recruitment and retention of healthy employees

Fewer absences

Improved job performance and greater productivity

Improved employee relation and morale leading to a more

Supportive and harmonious work place

Improved business bottom line


Typically, the reasons for implementing a corporate wellness program are compelling and the only reasons for not doing so is related to staffing and budget.  To keep this from being an issue and to allow a greater range companies to benefit from wellness, Contagiously Healthy offers a variety of workshops and programs to help your employees get started, feel motivated, get results that lead to life-long wellness. 

When your team is healthy it sends a ripple effect, increasing your

company’s productivity and ROI.







“I am pleased to share my appreciation for Shay and the incredible value she brought to my team during our recent education session on holistic wellness. With her specific focus on nutrition and the consequences of stress on the body and mind, Shay was able to provide an insightful and informative presentation that resonated with the team in a meaningful way. 

As someone who has personally benefitted from Shay's guidance, I wanted my team to experience the same positive impact on their health and well-being. Shay's interactive and engaging approach made it easy for the team to grasp the information and to understand how to apply it to their daily lives.

I was impressed with the level of engagement from the team during the session, which I believe is a testament to Shay's ability to make the material both informative and enjoyable. The feedback from the team was overwhelmingly positive, and I am confident that they will take this newfound knowledge and use it to manage their health more effectively.

Overall, I highly recommend Shay to anyone who is looking for a knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and constructive holistic functional medicine consultant. Shay's passion for health and wellness is contagious, and her approach is both welcoming and non-judgmental, making her an excellent resource for anyone seeking to improve their overall well-being.”

Melissa Kuen, NIKE EMEA Head of Partner Marketing


"As the lead of the Cisco Green Team I asked Shay to present how individual choice influence Food sustainability. Shay researched the subject and presented an excellent overview specific to our needs. She customized her approach to the technology-centric audience of Cisco by starting with a digitized quiz. Her presentation was crisp and to the point. It left people informed about how they can influence both food sustainability and eating healthier while displaying more consideration for the resources we share with the rest of the planet. I highly  recommend inviting Shay to your organization to inform and motivate your team.”

- Arjan Zoodsma, Business Data Analyst at Cisco Amsterdam


“The Break-Up with Sugar workshop  was personal, professional, inspiring, including good examples and interactive.”  

 - Roos Bremer, ‎Marketing, Communicatie- & Projectmanager - ‎Fysiomed Sport Medisch Centrum Amsterdam


“Shay heeft voor ons festival over een gezonde levensstijl een Suiker Quiz gegeven. De quiz was erg geslaagd, het aanwezige publiek werd door haar actief betrokken en de aanwezige kinderen deden heel enthousiast mee. De samenwerking met Shay was buitengewoon prettig. Zij is een aardig, sociaal en warm persoon, die zeer bevlogen en betrokken is bij haar activiteiten. Zij denkt mee en helpt waar mogelijk.  Shay werkt professioneel, afspraken zijn makkelijk te maken en staan als een huis en ook de communicatie loopt heel soepel. Je krijgt snel antwoord op vragen en zij onderhoudt regelmatig contact, om op de hoogte te blijven van de ontwikkelingen. Als wij als Jungle Amsterdam de mogelijkheid hebben om Shay opnieuw bij een activiteit te betrekken, dan zullen wij dat direct doen. En ik kan haar dan ook van harte aanbevelen bij anderen.”

- Jannekee Jansen op de Haar, Directeur Jungle Amsterdam


'Shay heeft twee keer een fantastische workshop over suiker aan mijn derde- en vierdejaars leerlingen aan de AICS (Amsterdam International Community School) gegeven. Het onderwerp en de inhoud van de workshop sloot goed aan op het interessegebied van de leerlingen. Zij en zelfs de docenten hebben er veel van geleerd. Shay hield rekening met de behoeften van de leeftijdsgroep (14-15 jaar) en heeft haar workshop zo samengesteld dat de leerlingen er iets voor hun hele leven van hebben geleerd. Ik kan Shay en haar workshop van harte aanbevelen. 

Eszter Molnaar, Docent AICS, Amsterdam


As a member of the Green Team and Well@Work Committee at Cisco Netherlands, I was involved in organising a visit by Shay to speak on the topic of Sustainable Food Choices to our employees here at Cisco. Shay did a great job presenting an informative, thought-provoking and accessible session which inspired the participants to consider the impact of their food choices on our planet. Shay is a great speaker who managed the challenge of bringing a very wide subject clearly and succinctly to her audience within an hour. She managed to tackle a serious topic with authority but maintain a sense of fun by encouraging plenty of questions and interaction from her audience. Her presentation was well-researched and offered practical suggestions and solutions that we could action to really make a difference.

- Lucy Griffith, Office Wellness Specialist, Cisco, Amsterdam